Environmental Communication
in the Information Society

16th International Conference "Informatics for Environmental Protection"
September 25-27, 2002, Vienna University of Technology

EnviroInfo Vienna 2002 was a meeting place for experts from leading edge technologies, fostering information flows in Europe and beyond, necessary for a sustainable development. An international program committee selected 180 presentations and 60 posters from more than 40 countries covering nearly all aspects of the state of environment. Special workshops on Hypermedia applications and landscape structuring allowed in-depth analyses and discussions.

Proceedings Order Form (159KB)
Conference Program (616KB)
Press Info (english) (192KB)
Presse Info (deutsch) (255KB)

Best Paper Award

The best papers were awarded sponsored by Eco-Informa Foundation and Farm Foundation.

Special Activities and Co-operations

  • In co-operation with DG Information Society, a Networking Initiative for the European Commission's 6th framework program was one of the central activities in order to create new research partnerships.
  • The European Environment Agency (EEA) organised the annual e-EIONET Work Conference 2002 (from September 26-28), in parallel to the conference.
  • In a special session line Eco-Informa Foundation integrated information strategies to improve environmental decision-making, bringing in viewpoints from the United States.
  • UNEP/Infoterra illustrated the superstructure of environmental communication in the light of the world-wide information exchange network UNEP.net.


EnviroInfo Vienna 2002 is over and the organisers wish to present their special thanks to the following persons and / or institutions:

  • Margaret MacDonell, Leo Newland and Ken Morgan from Eco-Informa Foundation for their inspiring encouragement and co-operation in the preparation of the conference and for sponsoring of the Best Paper Award.
  • Walter Armbruster from Farm Foundation for his sponsoring effort to enable the participation of several participants and to grant the Best Paper Award.
  • Walter Hürster from T-Systems for the sponsoring of the conference bags.
  • Regula Fussenegger and Lorenz Hilty as organisers of last year's Zurich conference for their basic support, confidence and information.
  • Kristina Voigt and Werner Geiger from TC Informatics for Environmental Protection for valuable organisational and meeting support in preparation of EnviroInfo.
  • Heike Deissler as organiser of EnviroInfo Cottbus 2003, Ingrid Fuchs from Know-Center Graz and Melanie Herget for their support at registration desk.
  • IAESTE Vienna, with Christian Jordan and his team, responsible for the technical exhibition.
  • Dietmar Schmidt from the City of Vienna for his competence and support during the organisation of the Reception at the Vienna City Hall.
  • All supporting staff members of University of Technology, Vienna and especially to Karl Kraus and Wolfgang Wagner for their trust and co-operation and Prof. Matyas and Mrs. Kreidl from the Institute of Industrial Management.
  • We wish all the best to our successors in organising the 17th Symposium Informatics for Environmental Protection 'EnviroInfo Cottbus 2003'.

Contact Information:

Contact: Dr. Werner Pillmann,
International Society for Environmental Protection (ISEP)
Tel.: +43 1 715 28 28-0, Fax: -19



The European Commission

Information society Technologies

European Environmental Agency

Eco - Informa Foundation

United Nation Environment Programme

Vienna University of Technology

Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,  Vienna  University of Technology

Know-Center, Graz

Federal Ministry of Agriculture Forestry Environment and Water Management

Wien Kultur

Gesellschaft für Informatik

Farm Foundation

Federal Environment Agency Ltd

 Condat Informationssysteme AG

Austrian Health Institute

